Destination Family Friendly UK

Bournemouth Beach Safety with LV Kidzone

Posted on
August 3, 2016

Going to the beach with children can be a stressful experience, particularly in the school holiday’s when it is packed.
I have lived in Bournemouth for many years and am a big fan of the LV Kidzone scheme which runs through the school summer holidays was first launched back in 1996.
The scheme works by giving children free colour-coded wristbands that match-up with clearly marked sections of the 7 mile long seafront. Families write their contact numbers on the wristbands and sit in the marked sections to allow beach staff to reunite them if they accidentally get separated throughout the day.
LV Kidzone
The scheme covers a four and a half mile stretch of the seven mile beach and runs throughout the school summer holidays. LV= is the overall sponsor of the scheme and works in partnership with Bournemouth Borough Council to run it with the RNLI lifeguards, seafront services staff and local police to ensure lost children can be found as quickly as possible, and with minimal distress to them and their parents.
Cake by the Ocean
Last year a staggering 4.2 million people visited Bournemouth beach and nearly 42,000 wristbands were given out which resulted in 166 lost children being reunited with their parents, in an average time of just 6 minutes and 34 seconds. I use the scheme every year and it helped me find Kian a few years ago when he wandered off (as they do).
Beach racing
With up to 100,000 visitors a day to Bournemouth’s beaches, especially during the Air Festival, it’s a quick and effective way for LV= KidZone staff, RNLI lifeguards and the police to reunite missing children with their families and we were invited to an event on Bournemouth beach to celebrate their 20th anniversary.
Bournemouth Beach
With a delicious picnic and fun games on offer, including inflatable racing, running in flippers, cricket, a treasure hunt and a limbo the kids had a great time, even winning some of the challenges and being rewarded with medals and trophies.
Beach games
When visiting any beach, whether at home or abroad, it is important to remember to keep safe and we always follow these rules from the RNLI:
1. Always swim at a lifeguarded beach
2. Swim between the red and yellow flags
3. Never swim alone
4. Know your beach safety flags
5. Never use inflatables in strong winds or rough seas
6. If you get into trouble, stick your hand in the air and shout for help
7. If you see someone else in trouble, tell a lifeguard. If you can’t see a lifeguard call 999 or 112 and ask for
the Coastguard (in the UK)
8. Find out about the beach you’re going to before you visit
9. Check tide times before you go
10. Read and obey local hazard signs

We are also booked on to a swimsafe course which teaches children how to swim in the sea and gives them vital tips about the difference in swimming in open water compared with a swimming pool as it is very different learning to swim with tides.
Do you enjoy visiting the beach in the summer, what are you top tips for staying safe?

  1. Reply


    August 3, 2016

    Such a good idea for little ones – when we lived on the beach in San Diego when the girls were very small that was my biggest concern! Also love those large whales!

  2. Reply

    Mary Louise

    August 3, 2016

    A very informative and important post. We go abroad alot and although i keep my Daughter very close to me i still always write my contact number on her wrist x

  3. Reply

    Niki - Play & Learn Every Day

    August 3, 2016

    Those wristbands are fantastic, what a great idea for families with young children!

  4. Reply

    The Unsung Mum

    August 4, 2016

    I live near Bournemouth and love it especially the air show. I love your tips too, as it’s so big and me and the kids always get lost! Love the LV idea very useful I think!

  5. Reply


    August 4, 2016

    Such a good idea!! I love the look of the beach here, I really want to visit Bournemouth, we have never been before..

  6. Reply


    August 4, 2016

    What a great idea, it caan be so easy to lose your kids on the beach. I never let my kids have inflatables in the sea, I did once and it nearly ended in disaster.

  7. Reply


    August 4, 2016

    I didn’t know about this program before, but then again, I prefer to go to Sandbanks to the beach as it’s less crowded. It’s a great idea, I know children do wonder around and get lost really easily especially on a crowded beach.

  8. Reply


    August 4, 2016

    What a great idea. My 4 year old is prone to a disappearing acts at the moment and something like this in the busier holiday places would be so reassuring x

  9. Reply

    Ana De- Jesus

    August 4, 2016

    Wow Kidzone sounds epic I would have loved a program like this when I was growing up. Your right it is important to stay safe!

  10. Reply


    August 5, 2016

    What a clever idea. I remember getting lost at the beach when I was little and it wasn’t a very pleasant experience, even if it only lasted a couple of minutes!

  11. Reply

    Fashion and Style Police

    August 5, 2016

    Yes I do. Plenty sunscreen and a shade for when it is dead warm.

  12. Reply


    August 5, 2016

    These wristbands are a great idea because it’s so easy to get lost on a beach of busy people! I think we have all lost track of our towels at some point!

  13. Reply


    August 5, 2016

    I think this is such a good idea, sadly the world we live in now has changed and one second ca change a whole lot x

  14. Reply

    Jen Walshaw

    August 5, 2016

    What a fab idea. My boys used to use wristbands and we have rules for when we go to the beach. I think growing up by the seaside made me really aware of the dangers

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    Marie Barber

    August 6, 2016

    What a great idea! It would make me feel safer and more relaxed if we had this kind of scheme at beaches near us.

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    August 8, 2016

    We love going to the beaches especially during summer but as what you have mentioned it is always packed during this season. My LO loves to play in the sand and we always makes sure about her safety.

  17. Reply

    Joseph usher

    August 10, 2016

    What a lovely piece of safety and beech awarness. Your pictures are beautiful taken.

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    Helen @ Fuss Free Flavours

    August 11, 2016

    Such a good idea with the wrist bands. When we take our god children out I end up giving them one of my business cards each as it has my mobile number written on it.

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Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog