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Destination Europe UK

My Top Posts of 2018

Posted on
December 31, 2018

I love looking back at my old posts, mainly as a reminder of the adventures we got up to throughout the year.

I was also very excited to find out…

Destination Europe

Our Top 10 Tips for booking a Holiday to Lapland

Posted on
January 5, 2018

There is no doubt about it, a holiday to Lapland is pricey, but it is a once in a lifetime trip.
I found booking a Lapland holiday a minefield as…

Destination Europe USA

Our Travel Highlights of 2017

Posted on
December 27, 2017

What a year 2017 has been!
It has been a year of anticipation as I booked our dream holiday to Santa’s Lapland all the way back at the end of…

Destination Europe

Day 3 – Our Final Day at Santa's Lapland

Posted on
December 21, 2017

The final day of our visit to Santa’s Lapland was a nice relaxing day in comparison to the busyness of the Search for Santa day the previous day.
Check-out time…

Destination Europe

Northern Lights Adventure with Santa's Lapland

Posted on
December 18, 2017

Seeing the Northern Lights is top of my bucket list, so when we discovered that you can take part in a Northern Lights Safari when we were staying at…