Destination UK

The Amazing Bubble Man at Lighthouse Poole

Posted on
April 20, 2019

Most kids love bubbles – FACT!!

Mine love nothing more than heading outside to the garden and challenge each other to make the biggest bubble they can.

When I heard that the Amazing Bubble Man, Louis Pearl, was bringing his show to Lighthouse Poole, I was intrigued by how he was going to make blowing bubbles into a show.

Ably assisted by the brilliant musician, Jet Black Pearl, the show features art, magic, science, audience participation and oddles of bubble fun.

Louis explores the breathtaking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerised.

From square bubbles to rocket bubbles, tornado bubbles to flying saucer bubbles, the Amazing Bubble Man keeps the audience in the palm of his hand for 75 minutes of bubble inspired fun.

He evens explains the science behind bubbles and why they behave like they do.

We have all come away determined to learn some of his tricks!!

The Amazing Bubble Man show is fun for ages and is on tour in the UK until 26th August, find out where you can find him here.

  1. Reply

    Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too

    April 21, 2019

    We saw a bubble man at Butlins a few years ago and the children still talk about how amazing it was

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    Emma @ Adventures of a London Kiwi

    April 21, 2019

    This is SO cool! What a brilliant way to do something a little bit different!

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    Lyndsey O'Halloran

    April 21, 2019

    This looks like a really different kind of show but still really fun for children.

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    michelle twin mum

    April 21, 2019

    What a noval idea, like you I’d wonder how it could be a whole show but it looks fabulous fun. Mich x

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    Jennifer Gladwin

    April 23, 2019

    My kids would LOVE this! As you say, all kids love bubbles!

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    April 23, 2019

    Ok, The Bubble Man has to be the coolest guy in the whole world!! I think even adults secretly love blowing bubbles (or maybe that’s just me). My two would have absolutely loved meeting him 🙂
    Louise x

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Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog