Destination UK

A visit to Queen Victoria's beloved Osborne House

Posted on
May 8, 2018

Have you been watching the TV series Victoria?
I have to admit that it has completely drawn me in to the history of the Victorian era and I have been busy looking up facts about the infamous British monarch and her family.
When I found out we were visiting the Isle of Wight, there was one place on my wishlist to visit – Osborne House.
Gardens Osborne House
We left Blackgang Chine to sunshine starting to poke through the clouds, but sadly across the other side of the island where Osborne House is, the clouds stubbornly refused to budge.
Osborne House
The house was still stunning, despite the gloom and I can see why Queen Victoria said of Osborne “It is impossible to imagine a prettier spot“.
Osborne House
We arrived at the same time as a wedding party, so explored the gardens first, keeping out of their way.
Osborne House Gardens
From the garden terraces the views stretch all the way down to the Solent and across the water and on a clear day you can visibly see the New Forest and the Spinakker Tower in Portsmouth.
Views from the terrace
Sadly the path down to the water was closed for maintenance, so we headed back around the corner in search of the house entrance.
Tree Osborne House
Once we had found the entrance, which is quite hidden, we were ushered inside and the kids given special passports to complete.
Osborne House display
I love to read all the information provided on visits to stately homes, but the kids often find it boring and want to move on quickly. Having these passports, which contained questions for them to find the answers to and activities to try, really helped keep them in one place and interested.
Osborne House corridor
Not only were we treated to seeing magnificent state rooms, but we also got to see some of the family rooms too.
Inside Osborne House
What really struck me, was how proud Queen Victoria was of her children. Where we have dozens of photo’s adorning our walls, she was very similar and had paintings and statues of the children all around the house.
Queen Victoria Painting
The kids found the nursery lots of fun to look at as they had to try and spot the toys inside it, with some trick modern questions to throw them off.
Nursery Osborne House
The one thing you really notice when walking around the house, is just how huge it is and beware, there are lots of stairs to climb. Eliza and I had great fun imagining ourselves gliding down the stairs in magnificent ball gowns on the main staircase.
Staircase Osborne House
Although there was a lot of english artwork around the house, Queen Victoria was also Empress of India and she had a whole wing dedicated to Indian artwork and our final room was the Durbar Room which was laid out ready for a banquet.
Durbar Room
It was here the kids found the final clues to their passport questions to solve the puzzle and find the queen’s gloves.
Sadly, as we arrived quite late in the day, we didn’t have time to head down to see the Queen’s beach or the Swiss Cottage, but we will definitely be back on a brighter, and hopefully, warmer day.
Have you visited Osborne House?
We are English Heritage members which gives us unlimited access to over 400 historic places for a whole year and find it a great way of saving money on days out. Find out more about membership here.

Country Kids


  1. Reply

    Mayah Camara

    May 8, 2018

    Wow what a gorgeous stately home! Looks like a fab place to visit.

  2. Reply

    Sarah Bailey

    May 8, 2018

    I went here many years ago when I was in primary school, as our leaving trip. It was such an amazing place to get to explore though I’m not sure I took it all in back then I would love to go back again one day.

  3. Reply

    Donna Vallance

    May 9, 2018

    I love Victoria! Osbourne house looks absolutely beautiful I think I may have been as a child. Looks like I will have to go back and visit now x

  4. Reply


    May 9, 2018

    Wow! what an amazing house. I love visiting places like this over the summer, will have to take a look next time I am in the area.

  5. Reply


    May 9, 2018

    Wow what a stunning house I can’t get over how beautiful the facade is and the theme definitely continues on the insite too doesn’t it?!

  6. Reply

    michelle twin mum

    May 9, 2018

    wow it is very grand, I do love looking around old homes. I’ve no watched Victoria but I probably should. Mich x

  7. Reply

    Rhian Westbury

    May 9, 2018

    I went to the Isle of Wight a few weeks back and this was pretty much the only thing we did and I absolutely loved it, the gardens were so pretty x

  8. Reply

    Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    May 9, 2018

    Osborne House looks like a beautiful place to explore. We didn’t manage to visit it when we went to the Isle of Wight but it is somewhere I’d like to visit at some point. Those state rooms are stunning and I love how there are portraits of Queen Victoria’s children all around the house too. #countrykids

  9. Reply


    May 9, 2018

    Osborne House is absolutely beautiful. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it before! I’ll have to try and get to the Isle of Wight for a visit later this year 🙂
    Louise x

  10. Reply


    May 10, 2018

    I am a member of English Heritage too and am loving learning about all the places I can visit etc. The Osborne house looks a lot like Waddesdon Manor, so gorgeous.

  11. Reply

    Bella and Dawn at Dear Mummy Blog

    May 10, 2018

    We’ve visited Osborne House on the IOW before and it’s so grand! My mummy is loving watching Victoria too! #countrykids

  12. Reply

    Fiona Cambouropoulos

    May 10, 2018

    I haven’t been to Osborne House but I have read great things about it. You must go back and do the beach too, I know the kids will love it. I do like the regal old rooms and corridors, so magnificent and of their era and those beautiful gardens too.
    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  13. Reply

    Debbie Nicholas

    May 11, 2018

    What’s stunning home. I love looking at how others use to live!!

  14. Reply


    May 11, 2018

    The house is so beautiful. I love the design. I also love the Queen Victoria TV series. Love watching historical show.

  15. Reply


    May 11, 2018

    Oh wow, what a stunning house! I never knew it existed, but I am adding it to our list of places t visit.

  16. Reply


    May 13, 2018

    I’ve been to Osborne House before – it’s stunning, isn’t it. So much history an lots of beautiful things to admire. Great pics!

  17. Reply

    Becky Willoughby

    May 14, 2018

    Its a stunning holiday cottage!

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Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog