Destination UK

An Easter visit to RockReef on Bournemouth Pier

Posted on
April 13, 2018

We have been big fans of RockReef since it opened its doors back in 2014, so much so that Eliza had a climbing birthday party there in January this year.
As a birthday gift, RockReef gave her a return ticket back to the centre and with the weather so hit and miss over the Easter break, we headed back for some climbing fun.
RockReef is a climbing activity centre situated on Bournemouth Pier. It offers 28 unique Clip ‘n’ Climb walls, the ‘Stairway to Heaven’ climbing challenge, a HighLine aerial obstacle course, a caving experience, and adrenaline activities including a Vertical Drop Slide, a Leap of Faith and the Pierzip.
Isaac and Eliza are quite adept at the walls now and think nothing of climbing to the top and bouncing back down whilst attached to the harness, but Sebastian, at age 4, is still a little more wary.
Sebby Rockreef
Encouraged by his big brother and sister, he was soon scaling the climbing walls, inching higher and higher each attempt.
Sebby Climbing wall
Isaac’s favourite part of RockReef is the Highline – an indoor aerial obstacle course suspended 20ft in the air, which includes a diverse mix of challenges, including the Swing Logs, Free Beamer, the ever-moving Cross Logs, Hi-Low Steps, Cargo Net, Tunnel and the Slope Walk.
Isaac Highline Rockreef
Not content with just the challenge of the swinging obstacle course, Isaac now insists on completing the course blindfolded!
Highline Rockreef
On this visit Isaac decided he wanted to try the Leap of Faith, but sadly he is a couple of cm off the minimum height, so fingers crossed he can try it next time.
Eliza was in a competitive mood for the visit and insisted on racing her friends up and down the climbing walls.
Eliza Rockreef
Sebastian was itching to take part in the caving as soon as we arrived and he soon persuaded Isaac and Eliza to join him.
The Pier Cave consists of three separate caving tunnels, each colour coded with varying levels of difficulty and they started easy and were soon racing around the red, most difficult route.
The kids always have so much fun at RockReef and I am happy knowing that it is pushing and testing their agility, confidence, climbing and problem-solving skills. 
Stairway to Heaven
RockReef is open 7 days a week from 10:00am until 19:00pm and costs from £11 per person, depending on which activities you want to try.
Isaac Stairway to Heaven
An adult (non-paying) is required to accompany up to 3 children as a “Clipper’ and is responsible for clipping the children on & off the walls following a full safety briefing before the activity starts.
Isaac’s next challenge is to grow that extra 2cm to be able to do the Leap of Faith and the Pierzip…….hopefully it won’t be too long!!
Have you been to a climbing centre?

  1. Reply

    Sarah Bailey

    April 13, 2018

    Oh wow how fun does this look, I tried rock climbing when I was younger but I was never any good! But it does seem like fun if you get the right tutition!

  2. Reply

    Katy Stevens

    April 13, 2018

    All three of them are impressive but WOW to Isaac – so brave!

  3. Reply

    Sara-Jayne Jones

    April 14, 2018

    My boys would absolutely adore this, you always find the best places to go! Look at Isaac go!

  4. Reply


    April 14, 2018

    My kids would absolutely love it here. Wish we lived closer! Glad you had a great time.

  5. Reply

    Laura - Dear Bear and Beany

    April 14, 2018

    We’ve not been to one before, it looks great fun. We will have to take a look, my girls would love it!

  6. Reply

    Jade Bremner

    April 15, 2018

    We saw the pier zip last year when we had a day trip but I wasn’t aware that they had all of that aswell. It looks like great fun and something indoors for holiday tourist to try.

  7. Reply

    Yeah Lifestyle

    April 15, 2018

    Our kids love climbing activities and looking at your photos, they would love to head to rockreef for a splendid day out filled with adventure.

  8. Reply

    Rhian Westbury

    April 15, 2018

    Looks like so much fun, I’ve done climbing before but I wasn’t very good at it x

  9. Reply

    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy

    April 15, 2018

    Wow, what a fun climbing adventure. I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to do things like this

  10. Reply


    April 15, 2018

    Looks like the kids had a great time. My son would love this place.

  11. Reply


    April 16, 2018

    They look very happy climbing around and exploring! I love that he now wants to do it blindfolded!!

  12. Reply


    April 17, 2018

    Eliza sounds like Isla. We should get the kids together!

  13. Reply

    laura dove

    April 17, 2018

    Oh we were here in the summer! Sadly the zipline wasnt open due to the wind but lewis loved the climbing wall!

  14. Reply

    laura dove

    April 17, 2018

    Oh we were here in the summer! Sadly the zipline wasnt open due to the wind but lewis loved the climbing wall!

  15. Reply


    April 17, 2018

    I have been to Bournemouth a few times but I’ve never noticed this place before. Looks like a great day out and a fun way to keep active.

  16. Reply


    April 18, 2018

    My husband went here every year when he was little on holiday . Can’t wait to take the girls

  17. Reply

    Zena's Suitcase

    April 23, 2018

    My son used to go climbing regularly. I think it’s a great activity for kids and Rock Reef sounds like a lot of fun

  18. Reply

    Charli Bruce

    April 30, 2018

    This is something my kids would absolutely love, they have actually been asking to do something like this for ages. Shame we don’t live closer to this one x

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Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog