
Les Misérables on tour: The Mayflower Theatre – Review

Posted on
November 18, 2019

My husband LOVES the musical Les Misérables and back in September 2018 I finally gave in and went to see the musical in the West End.

It was one of the best theatre experiences I have ever had, so when we found out it was heading to our local theatre, The Mayflower in Southampton, we booked tickets straight away.

As we approached the theatre, we were excited to see that it was lit up in the colours of le Tricolore, which really set the scene for what was to come.


My husband managed to secure tickets in the very front row, closer than I have ever sat to the action before and it was an amazing experience from beginning to end.

The scenery was dark and foreboding scenery, inspired by the abstract paintings of Victor Hugo and the attention to detail was incredible.

If you are not familiar with the story of Les Misérables, translated as The Miserable, it is the story of Jean Valjean who goes to prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his dying family. He is released on parol 20 years later, but struggles to be accepted back into society and gets arrested again, this time for stealing silver from a kind bishop who takes him in for the night. Taking pity on him, the bishop says he gave the goods to Jean Valjean and he is set free, thus swearing to himself that he will turn his life around and become a decent person.

The story then finds him a few years later as a transformed man and mayor of a town and a factory owner, however, his former prison guard Javert is still hunting him down for breaking his parole.

The story is a powerful mix of light and shade, with the brilliantly comical Thénardiers, adding some light relief to an otherwise heart wrenching story.

The music, the singing, the choreography, all of it was absolutely fantastic and having watched the TV series Les Misérables earlier this year, understanding all aspects of the story really helped me to understand what was going on.

I was asked if I found the story depressing and whilst there are aspects that really tug on the heartstrings, in the end it is a story of human struggle and the ability of love to pull you through.

Have you seen Les Misérables?

  1. Reply


    November 19, 2019

    I love Les Misérables. One of the best 🙂

  2. Reply


    November 20, 2019

    Such a great story and musical! I love Les Miserables and would love to see it live…looks like they put on a great show!

  3. Reply


    November 20, 2019

    I love Les Miserables and this sounds like a wonderful show! I’d love to see it live as I can imagine it being so intense and impactful. I shall have to see if there is a show close to me!

  4. Reply

    Ashley Rollins

    November 20, 2019

    My husband keeps asking me to watch this movie. I need to just do it! Looks wonderful.

  5. Reply

    Sue-Tanya Mchorgh

    November 20, 2019

    Never seen Les Miserables before but heard good things. I would love to see the show live. It must be nice.

  6. Reply

    Yeah Lifestyle

    November 20, 2019

    What a beautiful review of such a wonderful and iconic play, Les Misérables has been on my list to watch for a while now. I hope I can watch it live sometime soon.

  7. Reply

    Sarah Bailey

    November 20, 2019

    I have never been to see Les Miserables, but it a show my parents both love. I know they have booked to see it again soon, if it comes nearby perhaps I’ll have to book in to see it myself.

  8. Reply

    Pati Robins

    November 21, 2019

    i so would love to see this play , and the theater looks really impressive too

  9. Reply


    November 21, 2019

    I love Les Mis and nothing beats seeing it live on the stage. I love how they made it so atmospheric with lighting up the theatre too!
    C x

  10. Reply

    Rhian Westbury

    November 21, 2019

    I’ve seen Les Mis once before, but I don’t remember too much about it. I love it when shows go on the road and do touring versions as you can sometimes see them much closer to home x

  11. Reply

    Rebecca Smith

    November 21, 2019

    This sounds like such a wonderful show! I’ll have to try and catch it – Les Mis is such an involving story.

  12. Reply

    Mellissa Williams

    November 21, 2019

    The story of Les Mis is so emotional, I would love to see the show – I can only imagine what it is like to be in the audience. Sounds like a fantastic show.

  13. Reply


    November 21, 2019

    How amazing that you got to sit in the first row for this performance! I would like to see Les Miserables in the theater, I used to love the book when I was a teenager.

  14. Reply


    November 21, 2019

    Your husband did well to get seats in the front row. It sounds like a great show. I’ve not seen this one yet. It’s supposed to be very good.

  15. Reply

    Bella and Dawn at Dear Mummy Blog

    November 21, 2019

    Sounds like a great performance! We’re local to The Mayflower too but havent been there for ages – must visit soon. We used to go all the time before Bella x

  16. Reply


    November 22, 2019

    I have never seen it, but I hear it is good. I love plays. Very cool you saw this one. I have a list of ones I need to go see.

  17. Reply

    Jess Howliston

    November 22, 2019

    This sounds like an amazing show and front row seats must have been amazing! I love how they lit up the building too, it looks so beautiful. I haven’t seen it before but it sounds like a really interesting story and I really want to see it now.

  18. Reply

    Natural Beauty And Makeup

    November 22, 2019

    This looks like an amazing show! I would love to see it live someday ☺

  19. Reply

    Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too

    November 23, 2019

    I have never seen Les Mis, everyone who has seen it tells me it is wonderful. I really should try to watch it

  20. Reply


    November 26, 2019

    I love love love musicals but I’ve never seen les mis as it’s never appealed to me I really love the likes of cats, Matilda and Oliver

  21. Reply

    Buy Roxicodone 30mg

    December 15, 2019

    Thanks for sharing this info. it’s really nice.

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