Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog chelseamamma.co.uk
That’s such an unusual way to capture a photo of the beach, I love that mirror ball, what a great pic!
#mysundaysnap #mysundayphoto
Helen Gandy
Lovely shot, interesting capture. Of to be by the seaside! Popping over from #MySundayPhoto
Harry's Honest Mummy
Clever view back out across the bay. Great shot. #MySundayPhoto
Darren Coleshil
This is brilliant, I love the unique way it captures the beach
Thank you for linking up
What a cool perspective!
John aka dadyougeek
Something hypnotic about this photo…. so much to look at!
Fiona Cambouropoulos
Brilliant! A perfect fish lens just waiting for you to use!
Susan K Mann
That’s such a clever shot. Love this. Captures a great perspective x #sundaysnao
Kim Carberry
Fab photo. This is so clever! I love the sun shining x
Emma T
Great find for your photo.
I love the reflection of the ball. The blue sky really shows off the beauty of the coast.
betty - NZ
An interesting way to see the world!