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Destination UK

The best places to pick Pumpkins around Bournemouth and Poole

Posted on
October 23, 2019

It is a scary fact that many children do not know where their food comes.

One of the best ways to teach them, is to take them to your local…

Destination UK

A visit to the beautiful town of Shaftesbury

Posted on
October 1, 2019

Living in Dorset, we are spoiled with the Jurassic Coast on our doorstep, but we always neglect visiting the north of the county.

When dropping Kian back at university in…

Destination UK

Piccolo Mondo Wimborne – Review

Posted on
September 28, 2019

Now that the kids are back to school, my husband and I try to have the same day off mid-week and we have been treating ourselves to either breakfast…