Where we are walking during the COVID19 Lockdown
We are heading into week 3 of the COVID19 lockdown and the one thing keeping is sane is our daily walk, or bike ride.
We we are really lucky to live in a semi-rural area which offers us some lovely countryside walks and with the river levels continuing to drop, we are hoping to extend those walks a little further very soon as the ground dries out.

The Canford Park SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) is a short walk from our house and offers a variety of circular walks, semi-natural spaces to explore and space for dogs to exercise.

It can be found on the south bank of the River Stour and is easily accessed via the Stour Valley trail, which is a long-distance footpath that runs from the village of Stourton in Wiltshire to Hengistbury Head near Christchurch.

It is a 1.9 mile route along wide pathways, but as the Eliza and Isaac get more used to riding their bikes, which have been sat unloved over the winter months, we hope to extend it.

As we head into spring, we have already spotted some lambs and our next challenge is to find the otters and the kingfishers which are often spotted locally.

We have found late afternoon the quietest time to walk, and if we do spot anyone, they are all keeping their distance and just offer a cheery wave as we go past.

Have you been getting some daily exercise during the lockdown?
Sarah Bailey
What some absolutely gorgeous places near to you to walk! I love that your managing to get out and visit some beautiful places.
Your lucky that your local area has such a great park. I live in Central London so the only parks I can walk to are Regent’s Park and Hyde Park. I really miss going out further
Rhian westbury
I haven’t been getting much exercise other than my shopping trips as our area is quite busy and it’s much harder to find areas which are good to walk around and are also quiet. This is such a lovely space for you guys to enjoy x
You are very lucky to have such a beautiful place to go for your walks and bike rides! My parents also have some beautiful areas to walk around because they live in the country. We are on a housing estate so don’t really have the open space but we are making the best of it and getting out, its just nice to get some fresh air
What a wonderful place, how lovely to have it so close to you. I wish we had somewhere like that to visit it would help break up our days.
Cecilia Keinapel
Wow this place looks amazing! I must say you are very lucky that can go outside with your family, here in Spain we are under full lockdown and I have been inside for over a month! Stay safe x
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
So lovely to have this area close by so you are able to make the most of it. We have opted to keep the children at home during this time.