A Trip to Birmingham to see Ed Sheeran at the Barclaycard Arena
My husband isn’t really the romantic type, but every now and then he does something to surprise me.
For my 40th birthday it was a hot air balloon flight but other than the occasional meal out we have not done anything as a couple for quite some time.
Back at the end of January I dropped as many hints as is humanly possible for him to book tickets to see Ed Sheeran as I was working on the release date, but, like many disappointed fans he told me that he just couldn’t get through.
Fast forward a week and he randomly phoned me from work and asked me to check a date on the calendar for him – 28th April, and there it was written in bold, we were going to see Ed Sheeran and he had been playing me all along.
As the date approached, excitement levels grew and grew. We arranged a babysitter for the kids, booked the Jury’s Inn across the road from the Barclaycard Arena and started counting down the days.
We left home fairly early as Birmingham is a three-hour journey and hit quite a bit of traffic heading into Birmingham, so arrived later than planned but managed to check into the hotel and get a spot of dinner at the Handmade Burger Co, which was delicious.
Once we had finished our meal we headed over to the Barclaycard Arena and were surprised about how quickly we managed to get in. Hubby bought me a sweatshirt and himself a t-shirt before heading inside the arena where we caught the last couple of songs from Ryan McMullan. Following him was Anne-Marie, who has the most infectious laugh and entertained us with some of the new songs from her album as well as favourites Alarm, Rock-a-bye and Ciao Adios.
There was a 20 minute interval before Ed Sheeran was due on stage and we watched as the arena gradually filled up. The roar when he came on stage literally lifted the roof.
He opened with Castle on the Hill and positively encouraged everyone to sing along, requesting that should all be hoarse the next day.
I have seen a fair few concerts in my time, most where bands fill the stage and Take That who really put on a show, but this has to be my favourite ever.
The set featured a backdrop of screens, lights and projectors which not only beamed images of him but also amazing computer graphics that matched his songs. It looked a bit like the inside of the Tardis!
The set list included lots of new material from his Divide album as well as some of the old favourites like The A-Team, Don’t and Thinking Out Loud.
In the middle of the set he also performed Feeling Good which was amazing.
The thing that got me the most was his sheer energy. He was bounding around the stage, jumping on and off the blocks but his voice and guitar playing were both faultless throughout.
Like most bands, Ed left the stage after singing ‘Sing’, but returned for an encore and launched into Shape of You and an amazing rendition of ‘You Need Me, I Don’t Need You’.
Once the concert had finished we headed back to the hotel, which was a short five-minute walk from the venue and enjoyed a drink in the bar before heading upstairs.
Both Hubby and I commented that we need to know who supplies the mattresses and pillow for Jury’s Inn, as it is the comfiest hotel bed we have ever slept in, even if we did have to leave early as he had to go to work the next afternoon, so I didn’t get to explore Birmingham.
My only disappointment with the hotel was the breakfast the next day as it was over-cooked and a bit dry, most unusual for the hotel chain and my claim to fame for the day was that we were sat opposite Chico. Thankfully Hubby resisted the urge to ask him for the time!
Have you been to a pop concert before, which has been your favourite?
Ed Sheeran is definitely on my list of people to see! My list of people watched has definitely gone over the 1000 mark. Too many gigs and festivals to count.
He was at Camp Bestival the first year we went, I think he needs a revisit!!
Oh how awesome I would love to go and see Ed live! That bed does look rather comfy and that burger looks amazing! Thanks for linking up to #ThePlacesWeWillGoLinky xx
Sandeep Sandhu
Oh wow, you are so so lucky! I love Ed Sheeran (though I don’t think there’s anyone on earth who doesn’t love him!) I wish I’d tried to get tickets now, but by the sounds of it, people are saying they were really hard to get hold of. Glad you had an amazing time 🙂
Sarah Bailey
Oh wow it sounds like you had an amazing time seeing Ed Sheeran and how good does that burger look as well!
What a fantastic surprise for your husband to spring on you! It sounds like a wonderful concert, you lucky thing!!
Jen Walshaw
Ed is amazing – he has so much stage presence. There is something magical about live music. it really is good for the soul. Also who is Chicco?
Oh my goodness! That is so amazing, I’d love to go and see Ed Sheeran! I’m glad you had a lovely time!
Kate Williams
Oh what a lovely surprise! I haven’t been to a gig in years (last one was probably Seth Lakeman?) but I used to go to a lot when I was younger.
I am so jealous! My sister recently got tickets for us to see Ed but she decided to sell them for double the price which makes me angry! I want to see him!
Ahhh Ed! I am SO jealous!
Deborah Nicholas
oh wow that looks amazing, there arent many people i would love to see live but Ed is one of them!
Sophie's Nursery
Looks like you had an amazing time! You should come back and visit Brum if you get the chance, there’s tons to see and do! x
Fashion and Style Police
I can see you had a great time. I always love the beddings at hotels.
Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs
A few of my friends went too! And they had the best time. I really like listening to a bit of Ed.
My favourite concert was Pink 🙂
Newcastle Family Life
What a lovely surprise, I am a tad jealous you got to see Ed Sheeran though. It sounds like a great concert, The A-Team is probably still one of my favourite songs of his. Your hotel room and meal look lovely, you totally should have let your hubby ask Chicco what time is it haha xx
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
Looks like you have and amazing time. He looks a little lonely on stage 🙁 but I like what you said about his energy. He seems like a really nice person. Burger looked good 🙂
You had me at Ed Sheeran. The boy can do no wrong in my eyes and its great you guys got to see him.
Ana De- Jesus
What an amazing husband I would love to see Ed Sheeran in concert, I bet he is even better live! Glad you had a good time x
Mandi - Big Family Little Adventures
Sounds like a great time was had, the burger looks fantastic, and there is nothing like a comfy bed when in a hotel. The concert sounds brilliant, I haven’t been to one since Take That reformed in 2006!!
Linh B
Wow! Honestly, I just know Ed Sheeran after I listen to the song named ”Shape of you” but I’m in love with his song. So exciting that you can see him in the concert! Thanks for sharing with us <3
Suzy Mccullough
What fun and what a treat. Those screens look amazing. I do like him buy hubby doesn’t. It’s been ages since I’ve been to an ‘adult’ concert. Shame about the breakfast
Kerry norris
Well done to hubby for fooling you. Great surprise. The set looked fab x
Awww what a lovely husband you got there! I have not yet seen Ed Sherman and I attended my first concert ever this year in Birmingham too and loved it.