Destination UK

A Winter Visit to Monkey World

Posted on
January 9, 2018

The Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre is a 65 acre ape and monkey sanctuary and rescue centre near Wool, Dorset.
For the month of January 2018, they are offering half price entry for locals, meaning that a family ticket costs £19 instead of £38 and is a real bargain.
After suffering with the dreaded lurgy over the Christmas and New year break we have been itching to get outside for some much-needed fresh air and decided to head over to Monkey World to take advantage of this offer.
Monkey World
We had been concerned that the weather was so cold that the residents would be hiding away inside, but we needn’t have worried and were greeted by the Gibbons who were swinging around their pen, chasing one another and another two that were content to watch the world go by.
Monkey World
Monkey World assists governments around the world to stop the smuggling of primates from the wild and gives loving homes to the refugees of this illegal trade, as well as those that have suffered abuse or neglect are rehabilitated into natural living groups.
Monkey World
During our visit there was plenty of time to learn all about the amazing work that Monkey World does and attend keeper talks to discover more about the animals they look after.
Monkey World
There are 3 groups of orang-utans at the park, including 2 different species: Bornean and Sumatran.
Monkey World is home to Europe’s only Orang-utan Creche, and also successfully breeds Bornean orang-utans as part of the European Endangered Species Programme and boy are the babies not only super cute, but full of fun and boisterous too.
Monkey World
There are five different species of gibbon to see and Monkey World is probably most famous for being home to the largest group of chimpanzees outside of Africa, living in 4 different social groups. We did chuckle that some seemed to embrace the chilly weather whilst others were content to hug the radiators.
Monkey World
There are also 11 species of monkeys and prosimians at the park including: capuchin monkeys, common marmosets, Geoffroys marmosets, cotton-top tamarins, patas monkeys, ring-tailed lemurs, white-faced saki monkeys, spider monkeys, squirrel monkeys, stump-tailed macaques and woolly monkeys.
Monkey World
Of course, there is also the chance to just release our own inner monkey’s on their fabulous play equipment.
Monkey World
There are three play areas to enjoy which feature climbing equipment, swings, roundabouts and spring toys which suit kids of all ages.
Monkey World
They are all spread nicely through the centre so the kids can enjoy watching the monkey’s and then copy some of their moves themselves.
Monkey World
Monkey World is a fabulous day out for kids and adults alike in all seasons and whilst it was on the chilly side, most of the residents were happy to see us and enjoying the fresh air.
Monkey World
Monkey World is easy to find, situated on the A31 Between Bere Regis and Wool in Dorset.
Monkey World
Keep an eye on the website for entry offers as they often have them, especially during school holidays and out of season.

Country Kids

  1. Reply

    Alan Moore

    January 9, 2018

    I am a real Monkey fan. I have seen ‘Monkey World’ on TV and is added to my list for a spring visit. Like the photos, very cute.

  2. Reply


    January 9, 2018

    All the monkey’s are so unbelievably cute. I always feel they’re up to mischief (which, if you’ve ever done a drive through monkey enclosure then you probably already know that they are).
    C x

  3. Reply

    Dean of Little Steps

    January 9, 2018

    That photo of a monkey hugging a radiator made me giggle. That was me this morning! And will be me in a while. It’s been so cold! Wish we had a monkey sanctuary nearby, but then again Dorset is doable from Cornwall 😉 I think it’s worth a drive!

  4. Reply

    Fiona Cambouropoulos

    January 9, 2018

    A bargain day out for £19 and the monkeys look adorable. Such a good idea to let locals come on the cheap, you remind me that the Eden Project do the same for us so I must look up the dates before I miss out! I’ve loved seeing your Monkey world photos in Instagram this week, great to see them all come together here.
    Thank you for joining me for #CountryKids

  5. Reply

    Ana De- Jesus

    January 9, 2018

    It is great that they are housing primates that have been smuggled into the wild and are offering a discount on ticket prices as well!

  6. Reply

    Sonia Cave

    January 10, 2018

    This looks so lovely. I had wanted to go before we moved from the UK, but maybe some time when we head back for a visit

  7. Reply


    January 10, 2018

    I wish more places would offer discounted tickets in January. This looks like a fab place for a day out.

  8. Reply

    Stephanie Merry

    January 10, 2018

    I’ve never been to Monkey World before but that’s great that they offer locals such a big discount for January x

  9. Reply

    Newcastle Family Life

    January 10, 2018

    My children would love visiting here as they love seeing monkeys at the zoo. What a great offer too x

  10. Reply


    January 10, 2018

    I love the sound of the discount. My kids would love to visit.

  11. Reply

    Rebecca Smith

    January 10, 2018

    I would love to visit here with the family one day – I’ve heard good things about it but alas it is quite a drive for us!

  12. Reply

    Natasha Mairs

    January 10, 2018

    aww these all look so cute!! I wish monkey world was closer to where we live, I’d be there all the time

  13. Reply

    Shoshana sue

    January 10, 2018

    OMG! How cute is that yellowish monkey in the second photo and the second last. I wish I were close by so that I could also take my kids to Monkey World.

  14. Reply

    Cath - BattleMum

    January 10, 2018

    My son would love it there. We have visited an ape and monkey sanctuary in Wales but it pales in comparison!

  15. Reply


    January 11, 2018

    What an adorable place to visit. I love that this isn’t just a showcase, but a sanctuary, and a safe home for the animals. It is the kind if place I would take our family should we not be at the other end of the country. Great that you were able to take advantage of the offer.

  16. Reply


    January 11, 2018

    I’d definitely be a radiator snuggler too. I hope they’re warm enough.

  17. Reply


    January 11, 2018

    I hadn’t heard of this monkey sanctuary, thank you for letting us know, they look so cute!

  18. Reply

    Baby Isabella

    January 11, 2018

    We’ve driven pass Monkey World so many times but are yet to visit, would love to see the orang-utans and monkey around with them! 😉 #countryKids

  19. Reply


    January 11, 2018

    I love Monkeys, they are so much fun to watch too! Great day out

  20. Reply

    Jane - Our Little Escapades

    January 17, 2018

    I have heard good things about Monkey World but never had the chance to visit. It looks like a good day out #CountryKids sorry I’m late!

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Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog