Destination UK

Encouraging the kids to explore more with Learning Resources

Posted on
November 23, 2017

One of our favourite places to visit for exploring has to be Linford Bottom in the New Forest.
Set just outside Ringwood, Linford Bottom is set at the bottom of a valley and boasts large greens which make the perfect picnic area with a shallow clear stream running through the middle, perfect for a spot of paddling and nature spotting.
Spending time in nature can be fun and healthy, but sometimes, even my kids need convincing to put their technology down and head outside to play.
Thankfully there are lots of ways to make nature as stimulating as the activities kids like to do inside, by giving them the right tools to discover.
That’s exactly where Learning Resources comes in. Designed to help kids explore and learn, whilst still keeping the focus on fun, we’ve put some fabulous equipment from the GeoSafari® and GeoSafari® Jr. ranges to the test.
Linford Bottom
My kids are real water babies so they were straight in the stream with the GeoSafari® Jr. Subscope™ . The submarine-shaped magnifier is perfect for going below the surface of ponds, lakes and rock pools, has 3 powerful LED lights so you can see even in the murkiest of water and Isaac loved watching the minnows as they swam past.
Linford Bottom
Eliza and Isaac helped Sebby by finding the best spot to see some fish.
Linford Bottom
Even on a chilly November day, the lure of the water soon got the better of them and they were soon racing around, running and splashing each other and filling their wellies with water.
Linford Bottom
In hindsight, we should have taken our bigger bucket to try to catch some minnows, as catching them in the Bugnoculoars was almost impossible.
Linford Bottom
In fact, even finding bugs on dry land was a challenge as even in spite of a little digging there were none to be found, so we ended up viewing some berries we had found instead.
Linford Bottom
By now the kids were soaked, so we headed out of the water for a spot of bird spotting instead.
Linford Bottom
The toys are a great way to encourage curiosity, and each of them loved taking a closer look at everything around them. With a full range of toys, some of which are suitable from the age of three, it’s a great way to get the whole family out and about – just be ready to answer lots of questions along the way!
Linford Bottom
This range of toys is perfect for taking out on your travels and we were testing them on behalf of Day Out with the Kids. Don’t miss your chance to WIN a fantastic bundle of toys from Learning Resources on the Day Out with the Kids Facebook page.

  1. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    These look great. I remember mine having something similar, years ago and they never put them down. Looks like they are having lots of fun whilst learning 🙂

  2. Reply

    Sonia Cave

    November 23, 2017

    These look great. we’ve made some ourselves before. Love that stream too, we’ve been in the summer, such a perfect spot

  3. Reply

    Laura - Dear Bear and Beany

    November 23, 2017

    What a great way to get children learning and out and about.

  4. Reply

    Katy Stevens

    November 24, 2017

    Looks like they had so much fun and great to get out in the outdoors together too!

  5. Reply


    November 24, 2017

    Love this. It’s great to get the kids outdoors, I know my eldest can be so reluctant sometimes, these gadgets would definitely encourage him.

  6. Reply

    Newcastle Family Life

    November 24, 2017

    What a great way to get children to learn, I think my son would be fascinated with these. x

  7. Reply

    Fashion and Style Police

    November 25, 2017

    What a lovely looking place. My kids would adore this place.

  8. Reply


    November 27, 2017

    I love to have my kids being like this and exploring in the future. Indeed a great place for them to learn and have fun at the same time.

  9. Reply

    DJT @ Thinking Thrifty

    November 27, 2017

    I’m a big fan of anything that encourages them away from TV and into the fresh air!

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Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog