Indoor Climbing Fun at Rockreef, Bournemouth
It has been quite some time since we last visited Rockreef in Bournemouth and Isaac has been nagging us to go back, so when a half price offer for Bournemouth residents popped up, I knew we had to take advantage of it.
Rockreef is situated on Bournemouth Pier and offers Clip ‘n’ Climb, Caving, Highline and the Pier Zip. Sadly Isaac and Eliza are not 1.3m which ruled them out of the Highline but they still got to enjoy the Clip ‘n’ Climb and the Pier Caves.
You start the day getting kitted up in safety gear and a short training session before starting the 90 minutes of climbing fun. Isaac is a whizz at Climbing walls and was straight up to the top of the training wall in no time.
It was only the second time Eliza had ever attempted a climbing wall but she was off like a shot too, only she was nervous of getting back down and insisted that Daddy, or the Instructor, caught her.
There are 28 separate climbing walls with challenges on each to suit every age and ability from 4yrs +, so it won’t be long until Sebby gets to join in too.
We started off on the shorter, easier climbing walls first with this lights one being one of their favourites. It took Eliza five attempts to get right to the top but she was determined she would get there and was so proud of herself when she did.
With her confidence found Eliza was soon off and trying as many of the walls as possible.
The different climbing walls vary in difficulty and once you have practiced, they offer seperate challenges to make it harder, like only using the blue holds, or climb up in a certain direction.
Isaac raced Daddy up the speed wall, but Daddy had the unfair advantage of height and beat Isaac each time.
I did assume that Eliza would stick to the shorter walls during our session, however, she was soon tackling the larger ones with Isaac and Daddy with the encouragement and assistance from the instructors who were on hand throughout the day.
I think Isaac attempted every single one of the 28 climbing walls that day, and only two beat him – the Jungle Vine and Spaghetti Junction which are the two hardest ones in the centre.
Also included in the Clip ‘n’ Climb pass is the Stairway to Heaven.
The Stairway to Heaven is a series of tubes that are positioned in a circle at different heights, that you have to climb.
There is nothing to hold on to apart from the harness and it is a real challenge. The kids loved it – Isaac got to the top several times and Eliza got more than half way round after a few attempts, before she jumped down to the safety of Daddy’s arms.
I have to say they are braver than me as there is no way I would get up there!
After the climbing session was up, we had a hot chocolate and snack break in the cafe before our Caving session started.
The Caving experience is best for children as it contains twists and turns, grottos and ball pits. Eliza did insist that Daddy went through the first time as she was nervous but he did found it a struggle. Thankfully she was confident to go through herself after that.
I can highly recommend a visit to Rockreef, the kids had an absolute ball and I am seriously considering signing them both up for the Rockstars course which will help develop their climbing skills. We are also frequent flyers on the pierzip and I cannot wait until Isaac is tall enough so we can take him down too.

Image Credit: Waveslider Photography
Tickets for Rockreef cost from £10 per person off-peak for Clip n Climb but see website for more details. More offers can be found on their facebook page.
JuggleMum, Nadine Hill
I love the lights climbing wall for kids – what a great way to get them into the sport! I bet your kids would be excellent if they took the Rockstars course, they are naturals on the wall!
Erica Price
That looks amazing. I’d like to try it, but my son is scared of heights and wouldn’t.
angela hamilton
Oh my goodness this looks absolutely amazing!! I just wish it was closer!! ahhh what a fantastic place for the kids, and big kids, to burn off some energy!!
Michelle Twin Mum
So pleased to get a peek inside, we come to Bournemouth each year and have wondered about visiting Rockreef, In think it is a yes now! Mich x
Emma Raphael
We saw this place in the summer, it looks great fun! I love climbing places for kids, they are so good for their confidence! 🙂
Dean of Little Steps
Oh this looks like the one we have here in Cornwall – Clip and Climb. Looks like your little ones enjoyed it. It’s great for them to enjoy sports isn’t it?
The Breastest News
Wow this looks great. We have something similar near by in Edinburgh at Ratho. Reminds me I need to take the boy soon as they have a cool clip and climb activity as well.
Jen Walshaw
We have a similar one here. The boys loved it, but now need something bigger!
Lisa Backsnbumps
The boys have been to a birthday party here and it’s fantastic. So much for them to do and staff are great.
Mellissa Williams
Wow, your kids look like they love this activity. This place looks really cool and a great way to exercise in a fun environment
Ana De- Jesus
I love indoor and outdoor rock climbing it so so much fun and it looks like everyone joined in! Team effort!
oh nice! that’s an awesome way to do exercise without realizing! I prefer the ones indoor, as I don’t see the point of risky our life by doing sports…haha 🙂 x
Keely's Nails
That looks awesome, but I’d definitely be to scared to try it!
Amy Treasure
Oh my goodness aren’t they brave! It looks brilliant.
Sounds and looks like great fun, my eldest just went rock climbing with school and really enjoyed it so might have to try this place after christmas
Kerry Norris
It’s been a long time since I’ve been climbing. My hubby loves it. This looks like a great place x
Didn’t realise kids of that age can go rock climbing, I used to go at Uni and it was loads of fun and good exercise!
Where To Next Kids?
This looks awesome. It looks like it takes climbing to the next level. My son would love this
We have a climbing wall near us which I’ve been wondering how old you have to be to go on. Looks great fun x
Looking good for a family trip. The place looks fun and pretty. Never try this before but the place inspired me. Your kids look excited, especially Eliza 🙂
Kate Williams
Oh that looks brilliant – I’d be a bit scared on the stairway to heaven one though!
Oh, I know my 9 year old would love this, and pierzip too!
No Doubt, these are the brave kids…looking awesome with Dady!