Destination UK

Keeping The Neighbours Happy When You Own An Airbnb Property

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September 30, 2020

Airbnb has proven to be quite a controversial app over the last few years. While it provides people with the opportunity to rent out their own places and find accommodation affordably, a lot of people are concerned about the impact that apps like this can have on a local area. Guests don’t always care about the state they leave a place in, making it hard to ensure that the people staying in properties that go through this system are going to behave themselves. As an Airbnb owner, this can leave you with some very unhappy neighbours, and this is something that you will definitely want to avoid.

Noise Levels

Sound levels can be very hard to manage as an Airbnb owner. You can tell your guests to be quiet, but there isn’t anything to stop them from having parties that go long into the night if you don’t take the right action. An Airbnb noise detector can be a great way to solve this problem, with many of the options you can find on the market providing automated requests to your guests to keep the noise down. Of course, you could also think about installing noise-dampening materials in the property, though this could cost quite a bit more than a simple sensor.

Rubbish & Waste

Most cities and towns have strict waste collection rules that can make it hard for Airbnb guests to look after their rubbish responsibly. For example, if a group spends 5 days in your place, but the waste collection day happened before they arrived, they will have to leave a lot of rubbish behind when they leave. Having enough bin space is a good way to combat this, but you could also think about the idea of hiring a private waste collection service. Popular Airbnb properties shouldn’t have a problem affording this, and it can be a great way to show your neighbours that you care about their space. Few things are worse than having loud people who leave a lot of rubbish behind. This is also a good idea if you are having any work done and need the area to be clean and tidy so that you don’t upset the neighbours. Checking out sites such as, for example, will show you what sizes would be best depending on the work and how much it will cost so you are not spending too much.


It’s understandable that community members may not feel safe when they have an Airbnb property close to them. The people staying in places like this will be hard to trust, and it’s not too hard to imagine crimes being committed by those who don’t live in an area all the time. Taking the time to collect and review the personal information about your guests can be a good way to solve this. While Airbnb does a lot to verify the identity of guests, taking this approach will add an extra layer of accountability that will remind your guests that they need to behave. If something goes wrong, your neighbours will be happy that you can respond appropriately.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to get started on keeping your neighbours happy when you’re running an Airbnb. Of course, you should always keep issues like this in mind, even when you live in your property all the time.


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