Are we nearly there yet? is a new online blog run by me, Kara Guppy, and is named as such thanks to my daughter Eliza who always asks that very question when we are less than 5 minutes up the road heading off on our adventures. You may know me from my other family blog chelseamamma.co.uk
Lyndsey OHalloran
Great festive photo! Santa looks a little bit grumpy though!
He was actually very nice, I think I may have been talking to him here #oops
karen reekie
Very Christmassy. Love the outfits! #mysundayphoto
Santa!! What a lovely photo . We have two very excited children in this house ready to see santa 🙂
Coombe Mill
He is a jolly old Santa for the children.
darren coleshill
Beautiful happy faces, he looks an awesome Santa too
Thank you for linking up
Sonia Cave
A great photo, everyone is so happy! That’s so hard to get a photo with everyone smiling
Baby Isabella
Love the photos and them clutching their little huskies x Hope you had a great time at LaplandUK #MySundayPhoto x
Katy Stevens
They look so happy/cheeky. Lovely smiles!
Jess Howliston
What a lovely photo! Is this at LaplandUK? We went last year and the kids had such an amazing time, the Father Christmas is so authentic isn’t he!
Zena's Suitcase
They look so happy. Lapland UK is amazing and it looks like they had a great time
Fantastic picture! We’ve been getting in the festive spirit this weekend too, it’s nearly here!
Sonia Constant
Ah happy children… What a great Grotto! I recognise it 🙂 haha
Thank you so so much for linking up to #SilentSunday xx
They look delighted. Wonderful. May they stay young and in the Christmas spirit for many years to come.
What a cute photo. Looking forward to taking my kids to a Grotto!
A lovely Christmas photo ???? great wolves too
Tahiti Le Blog
Funny picture !
five little doves
Aggh how exciting! We go on Saturday and I can’t wait! We are so looking forward to it.
What a beautiful reading! amazing photo santa, enjoy sunday.